Front 242 is a pioneering EBM band from Belgium, consisted of four people I don't recall the name of. What you have to know about this band first of all, is that you either love/hate them, or you hate/love them. You can't do only one of these. And this is both musically and... um... coverically. For example, if you loved their new more ambiental direction in the later albums, you'll hate how JeanLuc has apparently decided "Fuck singing!" and resorted to simply sounding angsty.
Now what comes to covers, the story is merely SLIGHTLY different, in the way that they seem to be pissing fans off on purpose.
For example, this is the original cover for their debut: Geography.

Notice how it still manages to look somewhat interesting and modern even today. Well, on its re-release, Front 242 just said "Fuck you! Here's some bad CGI up your ass!"
Oh! So you also thought the cover for No Comment was interesting?
Well, you know what we do to people like you? We push some more bad CGI up their stupid ass!

What?! You're back for more? You say the original cover for Backcatalogue was good?
Well, you know what the acronym CGI means? Crap Gutting (your fucking stupid fanboy/girl/Marilyn Manson) Innards!

And we fucking did that to every single album of ours before Tyranny (For You) as well! Eat that you dumb fannots!

Well, you get the idea. Even our cult hit Front By Front didn't get out with its integrity intact.
Haven't had enough? No problem!
If you want to add insult to injury to your fans, well, just look at the top left corner of the reissues.