You knew this was coming from the first time you entered this blog. Otherwise, why would it be called Back To The ROFL?
In case you didn't know it, the album is Back To The Shit and is a prime example of a joke gone horribly wrong, and still manages to leave some questions unanswered.
From the photo, you will probably conclude that Millie was in the middle of a show but just had to go. Okay. Nothing strange so far, but what's with the pigface? And why is she holding her shoe? If you look closer, you'll also notice that the lid is closed. What does this mean? Is she trying to disgust you out of her bathroom or something?
If that's the case, I guess I'll just have to say that the album should have been called Get Outta My Fuckin' Toilet.
PS: Forgive the shitty quality of this post, but I'm in a bit of a hurry and forced myself to listen to Korn while doing this review, which, as I just discovered, has an absolutely mind emptying effect.
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