Hmm... Something's not right here... and I'm not referring to the cover (were I, I would have been saying "Something's not wrong here"). Oh! Yeah! I was going to make a post about a completely different album, from a completely different style. Why did I end up doing a post about this cover first? Well, mainly because I haven't got the right CD with me at the moment, and my father has decided to relive some fond memories of five years ago by playing some HL2 (The man's 40 this saturday. I'd have done the same thing, if I were him :P .) and, because of that, I can't use the scanner, which eliminates my emergency CD.

Fortunately, I stumbled upon The Coup's Party Music cover around the interwebs and it caught my attention. The Coup are a respected political hip hop band consisted of three people (let's assume the third member was at that moment planting the explosives) that started in 1991, and this album was released in early September 2001 . Take your conclusions from that, but I would say that the Unites States and America (sic) have simply become paranoid after 9/11.
But still, America paranoid or not, this is a bad album cover. Even if we do assume for a moment that the late World Trade Center was in the middle of the suburbs and that there wasn't a single other tall building within an 800 square meter radius, that the smoke around explosions is translucent, and that the sun is in fact on the ground, we'll still have the problem with the message the cover transmits: if their album is called Party Music, and they show the WTC blowing up, does it mean that they're comparing their music to the sound of explosions (in which case you REALLY have to turn the volume down) or they're comparing blowing buildings up with partying.
Luckily, they decided to change the cover to something 10 times less stupid, and 100 times less interesting.
Luckily, they decided to change the cover to something 10 times less stupid, and 100 times less interesting.
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