Hello, everyone. I'm feeling nostalgic, so I'll start the post by apologizing for the lateness of my post (aaaaah... just like in the good ol' times, heh?): sorry. Done.
And now, as for everything else, well, guess some of you will be wondering what the fuck that delay was. I'll explain: I've been in Russia, with an uber sloow Internet connection. Done.
If you're wondering how it was there, fuck you. To give you a good idea of how I spent the vacation, here is the cover for
Hydra Lernaia, by Eryn Non Dae.
See? That's me disintegrating over there.Okay, it wasn't that completely abysmal. There were more burnt tree stumps, less creepy gray vines growing up into the sky, more weeping old ladies and the occasional building randomly going up in flames. The letters on the ground, they're totally real. I even took a photo of them. You can see it below.

What? You don't see 'em? They're right over there.
THEREYou still don't see 'em? Oh, well... Just like you won't see me making fun of any covers on this post. This time, I'm going to dedicate an entry to a song from that same album. I once even put a photo of it before, remember? If you don't, forget it.
Well, whadd'ya know... I've just made as much sense as that line.Anyway, the song is Echoes Of Distress.
Here's the song. No, seriously. Listen to it.
If you listened to the song, you will :(A) - be able to understand the rest of the post ,and (B) - have realized that the vocals are virtually incomprehensible. These are the lyrics I misheard the vocalist saying:
ROLEX!Rolling the dirt in a floodPrepare to bomb the mom againMy eyesRUN FORTH!In my home!REAL GIRL, THEY'RE GONE!BYE!INCEST!Tree, mine!Sealed ale from YORK!!My technology, toddler A fucking GIRL!Get ready to pissOn the guysMigraine!Sunshine Really not my sandAre you in my head?Well, wellCause there's a fucking dress“My life a gift, a guessAnd the pray stick in-guyWill fall down with the headless spiralOf the hefty mess”Swore LaneSwore LaneWhy, nevermind now The red's on the sinkI am the might melonLego in me I am the might melon Black onI am the MattelAnd there wore EdRAAAAAA!!!One Bob go downNo, I can't be thereRugged mothsDeserterEnd of the add-on The bow, The bowAnd the doorMy god!I know I'm nomineeI only thenAndy cuffsI know that I'm a kneeSoy sauce and different Ryan Are taking my insignias Like ear of fire BlazerToo far My closetAway Pull me aside Think we're Sist's eye see Ate some voices I Clinging and screaming patching a night anatomy Driving again again The glorious me migraineAnd mercy on my demolition Is this your car? Run away 'round a picture.MY BONE!Micro lint and lime on my cabbage of a blokeThe Blondies on my stone and ON my toenailsWell, they are the stashWhen something is wobblyYou're a PHONE(YOU'RE A PHONE)And Thailand Dark notchTHE RUMSHIELDING THE WADMY ONLY WAY OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUTAnd now, here are the real lyrics:
Hopeless- I've reached such an inner strife- a downward spiral became my lifeI'm trapped in my own introspection- my mistakes feed my self-destructionI found an exit to this never-ending hell- in radiant abyss of darkness I fellThe subliminal voices I hear in my head- they bear the echoes of distressMy life: a gift? A curse?In a breathtaking dive- I'm falling down in endless spiral of the emptiness- swirling- twirlingI hear the voices and they're calling meI hear the voices and they won't leave meAll hopes fall down- no one can help me nowI keep on descending into the unknown- deeper and deeper in this holeAttracted by law of gravity- my whole existence becomes another tragedyI fall in the void of myself and crossing through the blackness of my soulI found my solace in the arms of death- the soothing heat of the othersideIn silence I touch the ground!Eternal sleep was my only way outHey! I got "my only way oooooooooooooooooooooooout" right!