Until Anonymous became a group against Scientology, though, Anonymous did not by default contain a capital "A", and meant that you were trying not to reveal any personal info and preferred keeping escape as a viable option, if things ever got messy. The point is that, in theory, if you're anonymous, nobody will know who you are, where you are from, what causes you support. On the other hand, if you're Anonymous, you automatically hate the Church of Scientology, are a user of 4Chan and wear a cool Guy Fawkes mask. A really great way to stay completely incognito, huh?
Similarly, the Metalcore band Converge had really stayed in the spirit of Jane Doe's incognitoness when they released an album entitled Jane Doe, along with a Jane Doe T-shirt, a Jane Doe cap and a Jane Doe jeans patch.

Come on! The only way that you could have possibly been more besides the meaning behind Jane Doe was if you made a Jane Doe bag, or something.

You didn't! Sure, it's a very memorable face (much like the face of Anonymous). But isn't it maybe a little too memorable if you're trying to keep a low profile?
In fact, it's so memorable that I've already spent an hour writing this and haven't really reached the actual main idea of the post, which is the following:
I've known this cover for a long time now, and there has always been something about it that creeps me the fuck out. Something in the face of Jane Doe. Something in the vacant expression and the half closed eyes looking down upon you. It came to me when I was seeing Shaun Of The Dead yesterday. Let's look at the cover again.

Observe how, even before having had her body desintegrated in a time machine malfuntion, it was already not all there. We can clearly see two huge bite marks. One on her neck and one on her cheek. Who would have made those bites? If you haven't seen it yet, allow me to give a hint:

Now, here's the question: What could a zombie be possibly doing in a time machine?

Come on! The only way that you could have possibly been more besides the meaning behind Jane Doe was if you made a Jane Doe bag, or something.

You didn't! Sure, it's a very memorable face (much like the face of Anonymous). But isn't it maybe a little too memorable if you're trying to keep a low profile?
In fact, it's so memorable that I've already spent an hour writing this and haven't really reached the actual main idea of the post, which is the following:
I've known this cover for a long time now, and there has always been something about it that creeps me the fuck out. Something in the face of Jane Doe. Something in the vacant expression and the half closed eyes looking down upon you. It came to me when I was seeing Shaun Of The Dead yesterday. Let's look at the cover again.

Observe how, even before having had her body desintegrated in a time machine malfuntion, it was already not all there. We can clearly see two huge bite marks. One on her neck and one on her cheek. Who would have made those bites? If you haven't seen it yet, allow me to give a hint:

Now, here's the question: What could a zombie be possibly doing in a time machine?
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