If your answer to that question was "Uhh... What?", then you're probably right. On the other hand, in the off chance that you said "Scar Symmetry", congratulations! Your mind is as fucked up as mine.
I'm warning you beforehand that I'm breaking the rule of being impartial in my posts big time today, because the reason why I'm writing it is that I fucking detest Scar Symmetry. They have become huge pretty much overnight and they must be stopped. They sound like a dumbed down Train Of Thought-era Dream Theater if they had an extra vocalist for growls and if James LaBrie was trying to sound like Philip Anselmo from Pantera in a boy-band.
Two of the above people are vocalists.
I'm warning you beforehand that I'm breaking the rule of being impartial in my posts big time today, because the reason why I'm writing it is that I fucking detest Scar Symmetry. They have become huge pretty much overnight and they must be stopped. They sound like a dumbed down Train Of Thought-era Dream Theater if they had an extra vocalist for growls and if James LaBrie was trying to sound like Philip Anselmo from Pantera in a boy-band.

They're not even terrible in a good way, like Mindless Self Indulgence! SS make cringe-worthy music. MSI make cringe-worthy music in style.
"When I say "we", you say "suck"."

I mean, these guys from Gothenburg don't even have comic relief to save them! They are one of the most unfunny and serious bands in the world. They could only possibly be more humorless if they wore suits to shows and called themselves Kraftwerk.
How can you make a joke about a band whose albums have completely ambiguous and generic artwork? HOW THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO RIDICULE CIRCLES?!!

By now, you're probably wondering why I've grown to hate SS (that's an acronym for Scar Symmetry, not the other thing. Ahh... fuck it! It's both). Well, let me tell you that their song "The Missing Coordinates" is great, and I decided to buy Holographic Universe (it's the one with the cover depicting a blue coffee stain) based on said song's strength.
I hope their faces are contorted because the diarrhea-coloured Pepsi is digusting, 'cause they paid it with money I FUCKIN' EARNED THEM!
That was in January, and, so far, I've listened to that album from start to finish once. I am not going to endure that again, and don't want anyone else to have to either. What I've learned about them is that they are from Nuclear Blas(t) (a clear warning for things to come) that the booklet has absolutely NOTHING wrong with it, and that I'm not the only person who manages to make something that is at the same time nausea-inducingly terrible and boring. Hell! Even I don't know why I hate their music so much. They're basically a catchier Dream Theater, and I LIKE Dream Theater!
Well, now I have a headache, and haven't developped into the topic in hand at all. What's worst is that I'm going to finish the post exactly now.
How can you make a joke about a band whose albums have completely ambiguous and generic artwork? HOW THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO RIDICULE CIRCLES?!!

By now, you're probably wondering why I've grown to hate SS (that's an acronym for Scar Symmetry, not the other thing. Ahh... fuck it! It's both). Well, let me tell you that their song "The Missing Coordinates" is great, and I decided to buy Holographic Universe (it's the one with the cover depicting a blue coffee stain) based on said song's strength.

That was in January, and, so far, I've listened to that album from start to finish once. I am not going to endure that again, and don't want anyone else to have to either. What I've learned about them is that they are from Nuclear Blas(t) (a clear warning for things to come) that the booklet has absolutely NOTHING wrong with it, and that I'm not the only person who manages to make something that is at the same time nausea-inducingly terrible and boring. Hell! Even I don't know why I hate their music so much. They're basically a catchier Dream Theater, and I LIKE Dream Theater!
Well, now I have a headache, and haven't developped into the topic in hand at all. What's worst is that I'm going to finish the post exactly now.
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