domingo, 27 de junho de 2010

Colour Of Despair

Well, it's half past three in the morning, and I'm bored to death and about as sleepy as a hiperactive person who has had a fix of Red Bull straight into their blood, so, hopefully, staring at the flat, cracked screen on my pitiful excuse for a portable computer for an hour, while I try to churn out something half-decent as my brain cells lose their sensitivity due to lack of REM sleep, or something like that, will make my eyes hurt so much that I will end up simply having to sleep so as not to go blind (that sentence alone took me 10 minutes to write). Since this is supposedly a humorous blog, you can try to find unintentional hilarity in this entry as I try and most probably fail miserably at intentional hilarity with any coherence whatsoever during a time of the day when my thoughts have the consistency and texture of mashed potatoes in a swimming pool.

Which means that,right now, I am rummaging through my neurons for something to talk about.

Please wait...
Please wait ...
Please wait. ..
Please wait.. .
Please wait...
Please wait ...
Please wait. ..

I could go on like this forever...

Ok. I have a topic! Depression... Doom... Despair... Desolation... Katatonia.

Katatonia are a Swedish band that aims to make you feel miserable, having started as Death/Doom Metal, and then having moved on to Depressive Alternative Rock.

Now, I want to focus on the topic in hand: Depression and Doom. What is the best way to represent the relentless claustrophobic torture that is Doom Metal? Well, according to the guys from Katatonia, it's with violet. Lots and lots of violet.

...And roadkill.

This theory about violet does not only appear on Brave Murder Day, either. It also makes an appearance on Dance Of December Souls.

... or... um... Gouls?

So, basically, according to Katatonia, violet is the colour of hopelessness, void, despair, emptiness, and overall suffering. Either, that, or it represents the aggression and mercilessness of Doom Metal, since they were only the Katatonic Embodiment Of Purple Suffering (I'm only making Egypt-related acronyms because I have completely lost all sense of what is funny) for their first two albums, presented above.

But, well, to sum up:

WHYYYyyy...???!!!! Why was I born into a world with... with... such a relentlessly pleasant colour?! Why does it have to be this way?! This... this... menace... shows how bleak it all is! I'll never smile again... *author attempts to stab self with portable computer*

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