Having started in 1987, this Floridian band, known for being your unique Technical Death Metal/Jazz Fusion/Progressive Metal/With A Vocoder act...
Slowly changed their style, until being signed to Roadrunner, and releasing their debut album, Focus, in 1993. Now, Roadrunner Records was, and still is, a subsidiary of the effing WMG, so this album was a pretty big deal! They knew this band was onto something. They knew their style was unique.
-Holy crap! They are unique! We've gotta sign them!"
Which is precisely why they needed an ingenious, captivating, interesting and unique cover for their debut, and what could possibly be more suiting than a black hole shaped like female genitalia?
Yes, I admit that sex sells, but sex also doesn't have a tendency to crush every atom in your body into carbon porridge before you can say "...". What were they thinking?! The album itself is fucking called Focus, like in "Cynic is a serious band, so it needs a serious cover"! Did the cover artist have artistic tourettes, and couldn't help drawing vaginas on everything?
Well, at least it IS unique...
Changing the topic a little, you might have noticed an opinion poll where you readers could tell me how fucking awful this blog is. The results are unanimous, with a gargantuan 100% of the 1 votes going to "I like turtles.". Seeing this fact, this blog will now completely change its main topic from album covers to turtles (I'm already thinking up turtle jokes: "Who has a turtle's favourite oil? Shell! HAHAHAHAHA... ok, I'll try again."). NOT!
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